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Press Release | The Home in the Digital Age

On the occasion of the presentation of the book The Home in the Digital Age, a round table discussion with experts took place last week at Telefónica Foundation to analyse the impact of technology in the home.

New Research Partnership

We are delighted to announce a new research partnership with the International Centre for Work and Family (ICWF) at IESE Business School.

Needs and Gifts

There is another side of the coin that can sometimes go unnoticed. The specific care and support, not of those with extra needs, but of those with extra or particular gifts. And Emotional Intelligence can be the key! The family support too!

Caring at Home for those with extra needs

At Home Renaissance Foundation we have talked many times about the importance of home care. But we present a new perspective - that if in itself care is vital in the development of the person, then it is even more so with those facing difficulties.

Workshops Report

This is a brief summary of each workshop. We are grateful to all participants for such strong and fascinating approaches to the question of the relationship between happy homes, happy society.

Home in the Time of Coronavirus

A perspective from Poland. We are delighted that our report has now been translated into Polish, with the significant contributions of “voices” from Poland, including an introduction by Barbara Socha, Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy.