The family and economic theorizing

This chapter argues that mainstream economics cannot provide an adequate theoretical setup to deal with the family conceived as the place (i.e. the home) where nature and culture cohabit and where interpersonal relations are founded upon the principle of reciprocity. To defend such a thesis, the chapter advances a substantive, not formal, definition of the family, focusing on its constitutive elements.

Self & others: Home as a cradle of a non-violent relationship

Emmanuel Lévinas builds his philosophy on the thesis that the ‘other’ comes before the ‘self’, representing a shift in Western philosophy traditionally centred on being and committed to the self. This self-centred philosophy has led to the violence of the self-proclaimed sovereignty of the individual.

What is a home? On the intrinsic nature of a home

This chapter deals with the ontology of the home. We propose to define the home as a lighted house. But what is a house? It has a particular structure within the parameters of the spatial, the temporal and the functional. It is within but open, it is always for now and it is care for human beings.

Saving home from the pitfalls of the home, through homing

The idea(l) of the home as the place where people “naturally” want to stay or return to, and as a unique source of protection, privacy and self-achievement, has an extended intellectual history and cultural prevalence, with its own socio-economic determinants, at least in Western countries. What the home means in practice besides brick and mortar, under what conditions it is indeed a source of home-like feelings, and to the benefit of whom, are all – however – more complex and elusive questions.

The aging of the parents in the home of an adult person with disability

For the parents, a child with autism produces confusion, perplexity, anguish and uneasiness. Autism sets the family in a chaos that is a never-ending process of adjustment in their lives. The process starts from the acceptance and then getting the information in search of solutions. The situation causes exhaustion and pain and a marriage as well as the whole family could be destroyed. The family and close relationships of the person with ASD must be aided urgently and on time.

Taking care of children with severe disabilities at home

I would like to elaborate on the subject of family caregivers providing for both mentally and physically disabled children at home. The families carrying for these particular group of patients are in a specially difficult circumstances because from an economical point of view they are doing work which will not have any profitable effects in the future.

A “sense of home”: perceptions and expectations of elderly people about residential care facilities

The rise in life expectancy over the past twenty years has led to an increase of number of older people in high-income countries (WHO, 2016). Age brings changes in lifestyle, social relationships, and health. Older people has specific social, relational and health complex needs. The elderly and their families often realize that their homes and competences are no longer sufficient to support the high complexity of their needs.