Home/Family and Climate Change | United Nations NY

This Report is a joint work made by Home Renaissance Foundation, Nottingham Trent University and University of York. This was launched in May 2024 at United Nations Headquarters in New York in the frame of the 30th Anniversary of the Day of the Family. It focuses on the central role of the home and family as a critical institution in our combat against Climate Change. The line-up of the international experts offers wonderful mix of perspectives, disciplines, professional backgrounds, and research cultures. They addressed such a collective challenge form varying angles, methods, and creative solutions.

The Global Home Index British Report | A UK-wide study on the Home

HRF and Mothers at Home Matter, our UK-based partner launched the British Report of the Global Home Index at the House of Commons on Monday 6th November, 2017. The guest speaker was the prestigious lawyer, Miriam Gonzalez Durantez. Fiona Bruce MP hosted the event where we presented the findings on the reality of the work of the home in the United Kingdom and around of the world.

The Global Home Index | A comparative study of 20 countries

The Home Renaissance Foundation of the United Kingdom supported by the Walmart Centre for Work Family Balance (CONFyE) of the IAE Business School of Argentina and the Culture, Work and Care Centre of INALDE Business School of Colombia make possible the Global Home Index (GHI), a pioneering worldwide research project aimed at determining how the work that is required to create a home is valued and experienced in different countries of the world. This first report was launched at the United Nations on May 18th, 2017

A think piece on Intergenerational Living in the UK

This policy report was launched at the House of Lords on March 24th, 2015 and reveals that increasing life-expectancy and rising house prices as key drivers behind the rise in intergenerational living, which is also more popular in families originating from South Asia or Southern Europe. The study also shows that for the so-called ‘boomerang generation’ (younger people who return to live with parents) intergenerational living is showing signs of becoming normalised; no longer a sign of failing to live up to the dream of independent living. The report stresses, however, that Whitehall should not see intergenerational as a ‘silver bullet’ for the crisis in social care. It also calls for a Commission on Intergenerational Housing.