Caring for the home in Iberoamerica: A crosscountry comparison

Communities around the world face conflicting forces that affect the work-family interface.  New work dynamics as well as new care needs influence how individuals perceive domestic chores (Freedman, Cornman & Carr, 2014) and the developing and performing of the different homemaking skills.

Working from home: a double edged sword

Flexible work options can be considered a benefit for many people. One type of flexible work option is working from home. Many businesses do provide some form of flexibility for mothers and parents working outside the home but this is influenced by culture and geographic location e.g. Pakistan is slow to embrace working from home policies while in western cultures or in more developed states, there are people who advocate that work from home policies should become the norm.

Unsafe food handling in families suffering from food poverty

Traditionally, the home has been regarded as a place of wellbeing and safety, notwithstanding the fact that, within it, unsafe practices can take place that endanger its inhabitants’ health. One such practice is the unsanitary handling of foodstuffs from the moment they are bought to when they are prepared, stored and eaten. So far this year, in Mexico City alone more than 182,000 cases of gastrointestinal tract infections have been reported by the city’s health services.

Technology and inactivity

Technological advancement has continuously impacted on the level of physical activity in our world today. Physical activity is directly linked with health outcomes; hence, this exponential growth has prompted increased sedentary activities and encouraged inactivity. The 60 minutes moderate to vigorous recommendation of physical activity are not however met by young people. This is because of excessive time spent on screen based activities each day.

Home a Primer for Employment

This paper examines how employers in the recruitment of young people/university graduates are seeking information on the domestic tasks they undertake in their home environment. Human Resources Departments when selecting for highly competitive positions are using new and innovative recruitment techniques which include individual and group questions around experience in and attitudes towards domestic tasks during childhood, adolescence and university years.

Responsible citizenship and our common home

Each of us is an integral part of a larger ecosystem, the natural environment, where we all belong. Therefore, we should rather consider it as our common home, instead of neglecting it as if it were somebody else’s business. The future of the ecosystem depends upon everybody’s sense of responsibility and commitment, whereas the way we care for the natural environment is largely about making changes in our daily lives.

Pension provision, lifetime financial sustainability, care and dignity in old age: Legal and economic issues

The legal, policy and economic issues associated with pension provision, lifetime financial sustainability, and care and dignity in old age and their implications for home life are fundamental challenges for the future of our society. Pension provision is in crisis and this chapter highlights the crucial policy choices and regulatory challenges. It considers the importance of the ‘nuclear family’ and the ‘extended family’ in the provision of care, from child care to old age care.