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Press Release | The Home in the Digital Age

On the occasion of the presentation of the book The Home in the Digital Age, a round table discussion with experts took place last week at Telefónica Foundation to analyse the impact of technology in the home.

Directors´ Report

2020 has seen HRF rising to the challenge of COVID19 and the implications for our lives and homes. Look here at our 2019 Directors' Report to find more details of our many other activities and events over the last 12 months. Our commitment to build a research-base on the study of the work of the home, to champion recognition of the value of this work and to support homemakers, has never been more vital nor more timely.

Pre-order now open

Our next book “People, care and work in the Home” is published by Routledge on Tuesday 16th June. The book offers a new, multidisciplinary and international perspective on how today's homes are facing changing social, economic, environmental and health challenges.

Home in the Time of Coronavirus

Responding to the coronavirus in relation to the Home, we have produced a Communication Report in which different personalities share their experience of what home is - and means - to them during this time of a pandemic.

The Call for Paper is now open!

HRF welcomes descriptive, theoretical, empirical or practical nature papers from experts, early career and doctoral scholars in a wide range of academic subjects and professional fields including Architecture, Economics, Education, History, Politics, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Technology, Human Ecology, Urban Planning to recognize the importance of home lifestyle in building a happy society.

HRF at the Spanish Parliament in Madrid | May 2019

Our Project and Media Manager, Angela de Miguel, participated in a roundtable at the Spanish Parliament in Madrid to discuss the role of the home in relation to climate change and to explain to those who legislate what practices can be carried out to mitigate this threat.