People, Care and Work in the Home
It would be hard to find a more important time for the publication of "People, Care and Work in the Home", our second book.
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Our next book “People, care and work in the Home” is published by Routledge on Tuesday 16th June. The book offers a new, multidisciplinary and international perspective on how today's homes are facing changing social, economic, environmental and health challenges.
Home in the Time of Coronavirus
Responding to the coronavirus in relation to the Home, we have produced a Communication Report in which different personalities share their experience of what home is - and means - to them during this time of a pandemic.
The Value of Home Work
During this period of lockdown the internet has been buzzing with the activities that people have found helpful, therapeutic, or at least a welcome distraction at this time
Intergenerational Care in the time of Covid-19
One of the emerging themes of the current crisis is the awareness of a previous undervaluing of carers. As one carer has put it, “We have gone from ‘low-skilled’ workers to ‘key’ workers in less than a month – but our jobs remain the same, caring for the most vulnerable in our society.”
Beating the Virus
In this article, Baroness Hollins talks about disability and autism in Coronavirus Time. "Having someone with an intellectual disability or an autistic child at home during coronavirus is a real blessing and an invitation to spend our days more mindfully but creating a new shared rhythm may take families like mine a little longer."
How does the Internet affect our lives?
There are few professions, jobs or activities that are now possible to carry out without using the internet. The current coronavirus crisis and the instructions to self-isolate have even more powerfully underlined this.
The participants are now all confirmed
A prestigious group of academics will be contributing to our 5th Interdisciplinary and International Academic Conference, as keynotes, academics in dialogue and as round tables experts.
Beyond Words
Professor Sheila the Baroness Hollins: "My life’s work has revolved around trying to implement the principles of the Ordinary Life movement for people with learning disabilities, that each person is entitled to an ordinary Life in an ordinary house in an ordinary street with the support that they may need to be able to live safely and fully."
Staying at Home
The advent of the coronavirus and the steps we are advised to take to control it have thrown into sharp focus the vital but often ignored core of our lives: our homes.