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Calls for a ‘digital detox’ in the home

There’s no denying that the internet is immensely useful – connecting young people with their friends and with just a few clicks, a world of information comes to our screens. But as most of us have discovered, it comes at a price – it’s hugely addictive!

Launch in Barcelona

On Wednesday, October 10 at 7 pm at the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Home Renaissance Foundation will launch its latest book 'The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections'.

New Patron at HRF

We are delighted to announce that Home Renaissance Foundation has a new Patron, Sheila the Baroness Hollins.

Our book is already on sale

HRF has much pleasure in informing you that our book ‘The Home' edited by our Director Antonio Argandoña has been published. It is the first major work which takes the home as a centre of analysis for global social problems.