New Patron at HRF
We are delighted to announce that Home Renaissance Foundation has a new Patron.
Sheila the Baroness Hollins will join our Board of Patrons. After participating in our 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference last November with a thought-provoking speech about the importance of the home for family members´ mental health, she has accepted our invitation.
She will take the place that sadly Mr. Peter Sutherland left following his death. Baroness Hollins is keen to be a part of Home Renaissance Foundation for the following reasons:
“Home comes in many different shapes and sizes but whoever we are and wherever we live, we need our home to be the place where we feel safest. That’s not always possible for reasons of finance or family turmoil or because a disabled person is deemed too needy to be supported at home. My life’s work has revolved around trying to implement the principles of the Ordinary Life movement for people with learning disabilities, that each person is entitled to an ordinary life in an ordinary house in an ordinary street with the support that they may need to be able to live safely and fully. Such support must include home making- a skill rarely found amongst the repertoire of direct support staff/ carers who are working in the community.”
Here at HRF we are very grateful to have Baroness Hollins with us and we intend to keep learning and researching into this challenging approach to the home.
For more information about her career and the focus of her work please click here.