Nurturing Healthy Relationships at Home and Work | Barcelona

Understanding the role of the home in equipping people for working life

Understanding the role of the home in equipping people for working life

8-9 July 2024 | IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, Barcelona, Spain

This Experts Meeting is organised by Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) in partnership with the International Centre for Work and Family (ICWF-IESE) and the Social Trends Institute which also provides the funding for the project.

The prompt for Nurturing Healthy Relationships at Home and Work is the question of how the home plays a distinctive positive role in equipping people for the relational demands and opportunities of working life, and how these can be harnessed and nurtured. The intention is to hold an Expert Meeting to identify and discern the best ways to support and connect these mutually beneficial healthy relationships at home and at work.

Experts were invited to contribute their own research to:

  1. Draw together evidence of how, within the home, personal and social virtues are fostered to build positive relationships.
  2. Examine how these attitudes and relational skills contribute beneficially to the culture of workplace settings and business expectations.
  3. Design practical instruments and interventions to nurture and enable the maximum mutual benefits of positive relational development at work and home.

Key Questions

  1. The Work of the Home
  • What are the virtues fostered at home that lead to transferable healthy relationships and attitudes at work?
  • How are these attitudes and relationships formed and encouraged in the distinctive and privileged context of the home? (The significance work of the home as a model of service and care.)
  • What are the soft skills developed at home that translate into better performance at work?
  • What are the habits at home, such as dialoging or dining with others, that translate into higher levels of energy and attitudes that allow companies to give better service to clients?
  1. The World of Work
  • What are the marks of positive relationships in the culture of the work place and how can they be measured?
  • What allows vs. hinders developing positive and quality relationships at work?
  • What are the positive relational models of the home that can be applied and encouraged in a work context, and how can this be achieved?

     3. Connected Lives

  • What are the relational indicators for an integrated, mutually-supported work/home life?
  • How can new ways of work, such as hybrid work or more flexible work, foster better flow of resources between work and non-work?
  • How can strong and enriching relationships be intentionally nurtured in the workplace?

Academic Leaders

Mireia Las Heras | Professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Spain – where she serves as the Director of the International Center for Work and Family.

Yasif Rofcanin | Professor in Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management at the University of Bath and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Organisation and HRM Division, Ph.D. in Organisational Behaviour and HRM at the University of Warwick -Warwick Business School.

Marc Grau | Professor and a Researcher at the Childcare and Family Policies Chair at Universitat International Catalunya and a WAPPP Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School.

Event Programme

Two days, three panels, over 15 experts and a step towards our Open Access publication.

See here the event programme.