My basic thesis is very simple: work has always been the main thing that shaped our lives over time and economics and technology are the main things that shape work. I have been writing for many years now trying to guess what those changes will be as work changes and technology changes work. It seems to me that at the moment everything is coming together.
Babette's Feast is perhaps the greatest artistic statement of the way the communal enjoyment of food and wine provide more than necessary nourishment for the body. Babette's Feast argues for a sacramental union of matter and spirit, human and divine. The feast is a "love affair" that combines "spiritual and bodily appetites." It unites and elevates the entire community in a spirit of gratitude toward those who have made sacrifices and offered gifts on their behalf, especially toward the "giver of every good and perfect gift." It is an anticipation of the heavenly banquet.
Economic growth is an outcome of more than economic processes. It is an outcome of economic, social, and political processes that interact with and reinforce each other in ways that worsen or ease the achievement of economic growth and development. In this paper we seek to establish the relevance of one of these processes, family dinners, for the economy. Empirical evidence indicates a close relationship between family dinners and the production of human, social, and moral capital.
Our value system is developed as we grow up. In the first few years of our life our parents are the sole influence. As we grow other outside influences like friends, school, religion, the media, sports and clubs start to shape the way we think, and the values we believe in.
Our homes have a unique and essential influence on the overall sense of well-being, happiness and effectiveness in our personal and family lives. Business consultants provide education to improve management practices within all types of organizations. Organizations are consistently concerned with enhancing job performance and employee satisfaction. One factor that influences employee satisfaction is the effort to balance the many demands of life. This paper describes how more effective home management can have a positive influence on work-family balance.
The programme of our panel discussion on food, health and family announces: "Benefits of healthy eating from the early years to old age". My contribution is to take a look at the special nutritional requirements of the elderly; a topic which is only beginning to be discussed - at least in Germany.
As Brillat-Savarin brilliantly stated over two centuries ago, the very necessity of nourishment might explain why societies often take for granted a fundamental aspect of human culture. Yet gathering and sharing meals is a central social action with important consequences for physical and psychological wellbeing, as well as for the structure of occupations in society.
For a few decades already, the extension of the work-related life outside the house for women has shaped a new situation within the home, but without giving rise to a new distribution of roles at home. Except for some exceptions, it is stated that the majority of cooking activities are carried out by the adult woman of the household group.
I studied law and finished off with a Masters degree. After my studies I worked for some time before I got married and started a family. From that time onwards, bringing up my family was my profession. I raised four children and the youngest is now 12 years old.