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Help at Hand?

The current media focus on digital technology has paid great – and necessary – attention to the dangers of these developments to our children. It is good this week to change the focus from dangers to benefits and from children to the older generation.

Parenting for a Digital Future

For the current generation of children and parents a new challenge – and potential reward – has come very much to the fore in recent years: How to be a parent in the Digital Age.

Artificial Intelligence and the Home

Hosted by the Home Renaissance Foundation (HRF) and the Social Trends Institute (STI) this will be the first key international gathering to address questions about the nature and implications of AI in our homes.

Who are we letting in?

The very words Artificial Intelligence make us pause. Artificial doesn’t have a good press. The truth is that the importance of the phrase Artificial Intelligence is found in its second word not its first. Intelligence. Whose intelligence and to what end?

The Home in the Digital Age

We live in a world where technological advance and above all the astonishing pace of change is challenging many of the values and modus operandi we have long taken for granted. What are the contributions – and what are the dangers – of Artificial Intelligence in our homes?

Happy New Year!

Surveys show that the first weeks of January are a “down time” for many people. Another theory is that people greet New Year’s Day full of hope and resolutions, all of which often fall by the wayside before January is out. And for you? | New post on our blog.

Letting in the Light of Christmas

New post on our blog! We are now firmly on the countdown to Christmas. Whether we are expecting a houseful for the holidays, or just have to organize ourselves, this is a busy and expectant time.

Launch in Madrid

Home Renaissance Foundation launched its latest book ‘The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections’ last Thursday, November 8 at the European Parliament Offices in Madrid.

The home is also a business

Last October 10 at the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Home Renaissance Foundation launched its latest book 'The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections'. The following is a brief summary of Antonio Argandoña opening presentation.