Sergio Belardinelli
Professor of History of Sociology. Università di Bologna
Conference: Sustainable Living, Professional Approaches to Housework
Working Paper | The Influence of the Home in Social Dynamics
Sergio Belardinelli was born in Sassoferrato (An) on March 5, 1952. In 1975 he graduated in Philosophy from the University of Perugia and in 1979-1980 was fellow of Alexander von Humboldt-Stift ung at the University of Munich. From 1979 to 1989 he taught Philosophy of Work and Philosophy of History at the Faculty of Politi cal Science at the University of Trieste. In 1989 he became Professor of History of Sociological Thought at the University of Bologna. He has been teaching Sociology of Cultural Processes at the Faculty of Politi cal Science “Roberto Ruffi lli” of the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus since 1992. He was Visiti ng Professor at many foreign universiti es and a member of the Nati onal Bioethics Committ ee between 2002 and 2006.