Michael Hebbert
Professor of Town Planning at the University of Manchester
Conference: From House to Home
Working Paper | Analysing Trends in the Design of Cities: Family Housing in the UK
Michael Hebbert is Professor of Town Planning at the University of Manchester. Born in Glasgow and educated at Stonyhurst College Lancashire, he read history at Merton College Oxford and took a PhD in geography with Peter Hall at Reading University. A chartered town planner, he has taught at Oxford Brookes University and the London School of Economics. He has wide research interests in the design and governance of cities and in the history of town planning and has written extensively on London planning and government. In 1998-2000 he held the Built Environment fellowship of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, beginning a period of research on urbanism and the street, which continues today. He is editor of the Elsevier research journal Progress in Planning and chaired the design review panel for London Crossrail.