Marta Bertolaso

Professor for Philosophy of Science at Campus Biomedico de Roma

Experts Meeting: Nurturing Healthy Relationships at Home and Work
Working Paper | Specifically Human. How Work and Home Epistemologically Imply Each Other. Models and Metrics of Relational Workplaces 
Experts Meeting: Home/Family and Climate Change
Working Paper | A community-centered approach to sustainable living and decision making: Campus BioMedico’ Social Green Master Plan as a case study
Experts Meeting: The Home in a Digital Age 
Conference: A Home: a place of growth, care and wellbeing
HRF Publication: The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections
Experts Meeting: The Home: A Complex Field
Working Paper | What is a home? On the intrinsic nature of a home
Working Paper | The long road towards sustainability: the contribution of domestic work

Marta Bertolaso is Full Professor of Philosophy of Science and Human Development at the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome (Italy) and within the CCBIO project ( at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her expertise in philosophy of science, scientific practice and in philosophy of life sciences with
a strong scientific background has allowed her to promote and collaborate in interdisciplinary research and educational projects on complex organized systems and human wellbeing more in
general. She is currently focusing her work on the integral development of complex adaptive systems, also mediated by digital technologies. The social impact and the emerging educational
challenges for inclusion and sustainable innovation are the main focus of her contribution in institutional and international programs. She currently also collaborates in the Ministry of
Health and of the Ecologic Transition in Italy and in the department for Work and Integral Wellbeing of the Vatican. Since 2017 Marta Bertolaso is Editor in Chief of Springer Series on
“Human Perspectives in Health Sciences and Technology” (HPHS&T) starting in 2018. More information about her work and publications is
available at