Charo Sádaba
Dean at School of Communication, University of Navarra
Conference: Balanced Diet, Balance Life
Charo Sádaba holds a doctoral degree in communications and is a tenured professor of advertising at the Universidad de Navarra School of Communications. Her teaching experience has always been related to the areas of digital communication, advertising and marketing in bachelor’s and post-graduate programs. She also teaches classes as part of official and non-official programs at various Spanish and international public and private universities. Since 2010, she has been the Vice-Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies and before that, Director of the Informational Business Department starting in 2004. She was Coordinator of the Bachelor’s of Advertising and Public Relations program and is currently Coordinator of the Bachelor’s in Marketing program.
Her research focuses on the impact of technology on advertising investments and its effects on media business models and internet users as well as the impact of technology specifically on young publics as part of the Faculty’s line of research into “Communications and New Technologies”. She has participated in more than ten competitive European, Spanish and regional projects. She was Vice-Chair of the network COST A20 “The Impact of the Internet on Mass Average” from 2001 to 2004 and a National Expert on the project POSCON from 2012 to 2014. She participated and co-directed the Interactive Generations project financed by Telefónica Internacional and was IP of the R+D+i project “Innovation and Development of Cybermedia in Spain. Business Models and Multi-platform Coordination” from 2013 to 2016. She is currently co-directing the project “Emotional Culture and Identity” at ICS and is participating in the research project “Uses and informational preferences on the new media map in Spain: Audiences, companies, content and reputation management in a multi-screen environment”. She has been a research project reviewer for the European Commission and for national agencies in Ireland, Cyprus, Italy and Belgium. She has been a member of the ANECA ACADEMIA programme panel of experts and an independent expert for the European Commission Safer Internet programme.
She combines her teaching and research with intensive dissemination work in the area of children and adolescents in the digital environment. She is the author of books and articles on the issue, an advisor to companies and schools and has given a number of conferences and workshops throughout the world for educators, parents and adolescents.