Beatriz Plaza
Senior Lecturer in Applied and Regional Economics at the University of the Basque Country, Spain
Conference: From House to Home
Beatriz Plaza is Senior Lecturer in Applied and Regional Economics at the University of the Basque Country. Beatriz’s various research interests include urban regeneration, cultural policy, the economic impact of museums and the art market. She has had numerous articles and discussion papers published in scholarly journals and has on several occasions been a visiting academic in other institutions such as the London School of Economics and the University of Manchester. She has been Fulbright Scholar to the Salzburg Seminar (Fulbright Commission, 1993) and referee of the ISI International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2002-2006). She remains so for the ISI journal Urban Studies (2006-). She served as Director of the Basque Government’s Foreign Trade Qualification Programme and is now co-director of the Doctorate Programme entitled “Public Policies in the European Union” -“Políticas Públicas en la Unión Europea”, at the University of the Basque Country. Beatriz is also involved at a practical level in the art4pax Foundation, for the promotion of cooperative arts.