HRF and ICWF Joint Expert Meeting

On 8 and 9 July in Barcelona, the Home Renaissance Foundation will hold its sixth Expert Meeting ‘Nurturing Healthy Relationships at Home and Work’ this time in partnership with the International Center Work and Family of the IESE Business School and the Social Trends Institute, which also provides the funding for the project.

The aim is to answer the questions of how the home plays a distinctive positive role in equipping people for the relational demands and opportunities of working life, and how these can be harnessed and nurtured. The intention is to hold an Expert Meeting to identify and discern the best ways to support and connect these mutually beneficial healthy relationships at home and at work.

Led by Prof. Mireia Las Heras, Prof. Yasin Rofcanin and Prof. Marc Grau, ten experts from six countries and different research areas will be invited to contribute to:

  1. Draw together evidence of how, within the home, personal and social virtues are fostered to build positive relationships.
  2. Examine how these attitudes and relational skills contribute beneficially to the culture of workplace settings and business expectations.
  3. Design practical instruments and interventions to nurture and enable the maximum mutual benefits of positive relational development at work and home.


On this occasion and due to the close relationship that this topic has with the professional field, two Endesa-Enel staff members will participate in this Experts Meeting as observers during the two days to get a real and tangible view of this merging of spheres in the debate.

More details shortly.