Maria Teresa Russo
Professor of Moral Philosophy and Bioethics at Roma Tre University
Book Launch: ‘Happiness and Dometic Life‘ in Rome
HRF Publication: Happiness and Domestic Life
Conference: Happy Homes, Happy Society?
Working Paper | Relational Dimensions of Housework: How to Reconcile the Gift with the Market
Maria Teresa Russo, Ph.D. in “Philosophy and Human Sciences Theory”, is Professor of Moral Philosophy and Bioethics at Roma Tre University. She is Editor in chief of the peer-review journal “MEDIC. Methodology & Education for Clinical Innovation”. She has been visiting professor at the University “Jean Jaurès” of Toulouse, Santiago de Compostela, Pontifical University of Santiago de Chile. Member of the scientific board of Italian and International journals: «Per la Filosofia», «Critical Hermeneutics», «Aurora. Papeles del Seminario María Zambrano». Her main research focused on the Spanish contemporary philosophy, ethical issues of healthcare and embodiment, with special reference to the Women’s Studies.