Marcela Trombetta

Dean and founder of the Department of “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health” of the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Experts Meeting: Home/Family and Climate Change
Working Paper | A community-centered approach to sustainable living and decision making: Campus BioMedico’ Social Green Master Plan as a case study

Marcella Trombetta is Dean and founder of the Department of “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development and One Health” of the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (UCBM). Since 2006 she is Full Professor of Principles of Chemistry for Applied Technologies. Since 2023 she is member of the scientific technical committee of the “One Health” parliamentary intergroup of the Chember of Deputies of the Italian parliament. In 2017-2023 she was constituent of the “National Commission for the prediction and prevention of major risks” of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the sector of the chemical, nuclear, industrial and transports risks (GURI n. 284 of the 05/12/2017). In 2018-2021 she was member of the Technical Health Committee, “section for the evaluation of biotechnologies” of the Ministry of Health as expert in Biotechnology of the Department of Civil Protection (DPR 28 March 2013, n. 44). In 2014-2018 she was constituent of the “Consiglio Superiore di Sanità” (National Health Council) of the Ministry of Health. In 2014-2020 she was President of the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering for a Sustainable Development at UCBM. In 2013-2016 she was Vice-Dean of the Department of Engineering at UCBM. Publications at