Javier Vidal-Quadras
Secretary General of IFFD
Book Launch: The Home: Multidisciplinary Reflections in Barcelona
Javier Vidal Quadras got married in 1984 to María Dolores Torras Mercader. They have 7 children: Miriam (1989), Javier (1990), Álvaro (1993), Alejandra (1995), Beatriz (1997), Belén (1999), Pablo (2004).
He holds a degree in Law from Universidad de Barcelona what allows him to develop his career as Associate Lawyer at Torralba y Abogados (1988-1993), at Garrigues (1993-1998). Finally, in 1998 he founded his own Law Firm -Amat i Vidal-Quadras Advocats- where he is a Partner. Currently, he is also Associate Professor of Law at University Abat Oliba, Fundación San Pablo.
Regarding Family Enrichment, he is President of Fert Association, Secretary-General of IFFD (International Federation for Family Development, with general consultative status at UN) and Vice-director of IESF (Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Familia in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya).
He is a Lecturer and author of several articles on Law and Family issues. Besides ,he has written many publications, most of them, related to marriage: “Después de amar te amaré” (Barcelona, 2004) Essay. Marriage. “Hamo, un hombre en busca de sí mismo” (Barcelona, 2006). Novel. “Vábienlor, las últimas palabras” (Barcelona, 2008). Youth novel. “Vábienlor, los bifaces” (Barcelona, 2011). Youth novel. “Un paseo en bicicleta por la vida” (2010) Essay. Education: Feelings. “A las alfombras felices no les gusta volar” (2014) Self-help. Happiness. “Amar se escribe contigo” (Barcelona, 2017) Essay. Marriage.