In the current socio-cultural context, we perceive the crucial nature of the anthropological “crisis” at different levels. Hasty and partial diagnoses are not enough, because “what is happening confronts us with the urgency of proceeding in a courageous cultural revolution.” We need to become aware that “what is emerging before our eyes today is ‘a great cultural, spiritual, and educational challenge that will involve long processes of regeneration, including for ecclesiastical universities and schools.”
This project aims to offer a response to the anthropological crisis, rebuilding the culture of care, which is the profound vocation of the human person: the care of the human being and its flourishing in the different dimensions of existence (e.g., relationships, the environment, the common good, the artistic heritage, the sacred). The general objectives of the research are linked with the interdisciplinary analysis of the culture of care in order to offer possible responses to the current anthropological crisis.