Julia Prats
“Do we think that creativity, determination, intellectual development and emotional balance can be developed to the fullest as a homemaker? The answer is potentially yes and much more holistically than in other professions. I think a fair position would be to accept that homemaking, like any other profession, has the potential to fulfill a personal aspiration to improve to the fullest.”
Dr Mª Julia Prats is Professor and head of the department of Entrepreneurship, and holder of the Bertrán Foundation Chair of Entrepreneurship at IESE. Professor Prats´ areas of interest are the entrepreneurial process and building and managing professional service firms. Her second work stream focuses on understanding the development of professional competencies and new business models in professional service firms. She was nominated Kauffman Emerging Scholar for her dissertation work and has published in international journals and congress proceedings. Mª Julia Prats is Doctor of Business Administration by Harvard University, Master of Business Administration by IESE Business School, and holds a Degree in Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic University of Catalunya. She has taught at Wharton Business School, IPADE (México), INALDE (Colombia) and University of Asia Pacific (Philippines).