Rome Conference in March

On the occasion of the academic collaboration agreement signed with the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce within the programme: ‘Towards a Culture of Care. A response to the anthropological crisis’, we will be holding the conference “Perspectives on altruism: empathy, compassion, care” in Rome on 6-7-8 March.

Two of our HRF directors, Prof. Rosa Lastra and Prof. Maria Teresa Russo are part of the Scientific Committee that has studied the proposals received. As you can see in the programme we share with you here, HRF will lead a workshop on Friday 7th March at 15.00h entitled The Home Factor between self-care, care for others, care for the environment and this will be able to be followed by streaming.

The workshop will be moderated by our director Prof. Julia Prats and will be attended by:

Francesca Ditifeci, Università di Firenze, Italy
Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem, University of York, UK
Rosa Lastra, Queen Mary University, UK
Luca Valera, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

The conference aims to delve into the issue of altruism as an essential link between the Self and Otherness, interpreting it as a specific human feature, both on a theoretical and applied level. During the conference, a philosophical reflection on altruism will open up an interdisciplinary perspective on medicine, ecology, communication, pedagogy, theology, and sociology, among others.